Hello beautiful people of Expansive Capacity! Hello you intuitive being!

It’s Superpower Sunday time! 🙂

This is all about how we can implement wee changes that can turbocharge our *existing* superpowers so that we don’t dim our own lights due to inertia, stress, or any other upper-limit problem that reveals itself along our path.

This month’s Superpower Sunday comes from the deliciousness that is the SMFA Escape!

We have a pretty busy schedule sometimes, but we manage to carve out what’s quickly become one of the most popular parts of the retreat in Desert Hot Springs: Silent Hour.

Specifically, its full name is: Silent Hour: No Talk, No Tech.

For one hour, everyone mindfully — or mindlessly (whatever it is that rings your bells) — spends time journaling, napping, contemplating, meditating, or just plain basking.

And it’s magical the things that happen as a result of shutting down the constant stream of INPUT that we’re receiving otherwise.

It’s funny that we’re meant to get into receiving mode for Law of Attraction to work its magic, yet we’re so busy being bombarded with information, opinions, news, suggestions, and so on that we set our brains up for being on the defensive.

And I don’t mean that in terms of “being defensive” as much as I mean we’re playing defense — guarding our goal — against a lot of ENERGY coming at us every minute of every damn day.

It’s no wonder sleep is so challenging for so many of us. Turning off our brains is tough! We may use substances to make it happen. We may detach in unhealthy ways. We may numb ourselves to receiving the GOOD STUFF because there’s just all so much overwhelm otherwise.

This is where Silent Hour gets really powerful.

Because for one blissful hour, there’s nothing to receive that’s based off someone else’s agenda. There’s only silence and alignment and a chance to learn what it is that comes in organically when we actually create the space for it to do so.

My suggestion: Do this for one hour per week. That’s it. One tiny hour every week.

No Talk, No Tech.

AFTER you’ve had an hour of this in your life, please head back to the dojo to share what Silent Hour taught you. What you received. What showed up for you.

So excited to learn from you about this!

Also, your June Aligned Hustle Calendar is waiting for you at the Welcome page! Woo HOO! This upcoming month has some planetary weirdness to contend with but as you know, knowing it’s coming and preparing for how best to handle it all with grace is the secret to keeping your badassery glowing while others scramble and lose their shit. (Rewatch this month’s Zoom for all the cosmic details.)

Love you all so very much!

See you in the dojo!

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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