

Okay. Let’s break this down.

I’m 15. Tenth grade has just begun. I’m in the drama club, show choir, literary club, yearbook staff, senior beta, and I’m about to nail a 4.0 while falling in love for the first (real) time.

I work two jobs after school and on weekends when I’m not taken out of school for acting work in Atlanta.

This sweater has a deep V down my back and the blue pearls are tied in a knot below the frame. Of course, I’m in my one and only pair of Guess capri-length jeans with a Forenza fabric hoop belt at my hips. My earring is a cross hanging from a paperclip I found on the floor in homeroom.

It’s hard to know how much enoughness I was rockin’ back then, but looking at this now — nearly 34 years later — I see confidence and poise and happiness.

Yet at the time these photo PROOFS were ready for ordering prints, I declined.

So I didn’t think they were worth buying… but probably because I had just bought a piano and a guitar, so I was replenishing my savings for the car I would buy the following year.


I had fun at North Springs High School. I was active and opinionated and smart and, although often caught up in drama, I hung out with people who made me laugh, think, and own my feelings.

Question for you: Would you want to chat with 15-year-old you? Would you like to hear what she had to say about what you’ve made out of the life she got started for you?

bonnie gillespie

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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