It’s interesting. This mind-body healing journey has taken me on such a wild ride.

It’s taught me how to read the whispers from my body so it never again has to scream to get my attention.

It has sharpened my intuitive powers to a degree that they shock people who are expecting my old speed for crystallizing nuggets of brilliance.

Boundary-setting has become a vital part of my life and when I feel an encroachment, I am quick to fortify my spiritual, mental, and emotional reserves so my body doesn’t take the hit. Not anymore. 💪🏽

This work has been extremely personal and deep. I am forever changed by it.

My “IDGAF what you think” muscle is the strongest it’s ever been… and that means I have no interest in comments that my healing process looks different, non-standard, woo-woo.

Hey, guess what! *I* am different, non-standard, and woo-woo. 💫

This healing work is for me alone. There are no boxes to check off on some list of how this should look to you. ✔️

I have never before felt more a RESIDENT of my very soul. 🧘🏽‍♀️


#DrJohnStracks #johnsarno #drsarno #mindbody #louisehay #abrahamhicks #tms #upperlimitproblem #soberachievers #sober #sarno #iamenough #SMFAninjas

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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