We Love Keith’s New Manager

As I type this, Keith is reading for a role on a kick-ass series.
Think that could work?

I do! I do!
Go get ’em, baby!

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  1. Bon January 31, 2005 at 4:07 pm

    Okay, so Keith calls after the audition to tell me how it went, etc. I rush him through and say, “Awesome, honey. I love you. Now, call your manager.”
    His response?
    “I called her before I called you.”
    But exactly RIGHT. That’s what he’s supposed to do. *sniffle* My baby’s all growed up!

  2. Chairman B. February 1, 2005 at 2:20 am

    Keith is SO right for that show. The man’s middle name should be Intensity which is just what that show is all about! Rock ‘n’ roll.

  3. Ali February 1, 2005 at 7:28 pm

    ooooooooooh that wouldl give us yet another reason to worship that show!!
    Lots of good luck vibes!!

  4. Joyce February 2, 2005 at 3:44 pm

    I definitely see him on that!! break some legs, Keith!

  5. JeanNINE March 7, 2005 at 11:50 am

    AAAAAHHH! I have missed WAY too much the past month.