Hello you beautiful creatives!
Today’s BonBlast comes with a visual. Be sure to marvel at my artistic prowess.
First up, the typical actor POV.

“I’m over here, smiling. I see that casting director over there. She’s got a TON of roles. Look at ’em all! There are soooooooo many ways to get cast by her! Wow! I’ve gotta show her all of the ways I can fit all of those roles. Okay… here goes!”
If you’ve not already played out in your mind how this ends up feeling on the *receiving* end, hopefully the visual gives you a sense of that.
Sure, from the actor’s POV, it’s just practical to go after all those juicy roles! I mean, c’mon! They’re RIGHT there, right? Just show her how much of allllllllll of that you can do!
Except, no.
On the receiving end, that’s a LOT of energy coming at us… none of it FOCUSED. If there’s intensity, it’s reading as desperation. If there’s passion, it’s showing up like a needy toothache. And if there’s talent, it’s clouded by all the energy that’s hell-bent upon proving all these roles magically line up with this ONE person.
No bueno.
On the other hand, we have the ninja actor POV.
Again, enjoy my gorgeous drawing. 😉

Still lots of needs over there under the casting director, right? That buyer hasn’t changed her list of roles. Not at all! But what has changed is the perspective of the actor. The actor is no longer taking in alllllllllll the roles. Now it’s more like this.
“Ooh, hey. Would’ja look at that?!? I see the exact role that lines up with what I bullseye. That’s who I am in my sleep, when it comes to my storytelling abilities. And holy balls do I have a LOT of evidence that showcases exactly how well I do *exactly* that. Let’s make sure she’s aware of this good fit.”
You’re not blinded by allllllllllll the roles; you’re focused on the ONE that’s made for you. (And — PS — when you don’t see the role that’s made for you? You don’t submit. You don’t crowd your schedule with running around chasing roles that are someone else’s bullseye. You don’t try to stretch to make yourself fit into the closest role on the list. You trust that this buyer — and all the buyers — have infinite lists of roles to populate project after project after project. And you know when you see “your role” there’s no question in *anyone’s* mind it’s yours.)
You’ve got footage that showcases your fit for this role.
You’ve got raving fans — previous directors and producers and casting directors who’ve booked you to do exactly this — sharing their glee over what a good job you do in exactly THIS.
Lining you up with this role?
It’s a no-brainer.
The confidence you exude is so incredibly castable when your focus is so specific.
My question for you is this: Are you so busy trying to fit into all the roles that you’re missing out on the simplicity — and confidence — that exists when you’re instead focused on that thing you do so dang well?
Lemmeknow! I’d love to hear about how you’ve changed your focus over time. Or… if you still need to do a little improvement in your focusing at this point. 😉
Comments are open just below.
Hey, New York! London! I’m headed your way and I’d love to jam with you in my superfun Self-Management for Actors intensives! 🙂 Enroll and I’ll get your homework to you next month! Oh, and Los Angeles, yes, when I get back from all my jet-setting, you know I’m doing one last class here at the beach before 2018 comes to a close. 😉
Looking for a fun, free way to tune up your tools and mindset before I head out of town? Be sure to pop your email address in over here and join in on some of the SMFA fundamentals so we can get you on the road to more bookings and way more joy in your creative journey NOW!
Finally, add to your calendar that I’ll be jamming with you on Sunday the 16th at 2:30pm pacific over on the ol’ Facebook Live! It’s time to do some goal-setting for the last 100 days of 2018, y’all! Yup… it’s time to get specific and make some good stuff happen.
Can’t wait!
Much love,
Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!
I think of my headshots as umbrellas. I have two. Under one umbrella is the boss/judge/professor type. Under the other umbrella is the mom/neghbor/teacher/sister/waitress
I know this because my branding tells me so. It makes it much easier to decipher my type of role.
Right on!