Cricket Feet email is down. If you’ve tried to reach me since about 10:15pm Sunday, 16 October 2005 using any of the Cricket Feet email accounts, I’ve never seen the mail… I won’t see the…
Posts Published by bonblogs
Color Me Happy!
The first review for Shrinks is here! Click to enlarge. Martini Republic’s review of the play included such lavish praise as this: The script, in fact, moves a lot like one of those staccato black-and-white…
Home Sweet Home
Ahhhhh…. Copperwynd was heaven… a lovely honeymoon-slash-Nonaversary celebration with lots of special everythings. Came home to three fat cats, a couple hundred emails, and a wedding present waiting for us. Heeeeeeeeee. I’m beat. But, MAN,…
Happy Nonaversary!
Tomorrow is our Nonaversary. Yes, we celebrate the day we didn’t get married, 12 October 2002. It’s always so much fun, since we invented the holiday. First Nonaversary: stay in bed all day and say,…
Who Do You Love?
Okay, peeps-who-love-to-read, which font do you like best? This is a page with five sample fonts for the new edition of Self-Management for Actors (it’s a PDF). Please share your vote for THE FONT YOU…
I DO NOT GIVE GOOD SANDBOX. I do NOT play well with others. And you can’t MAKE me!
Yo, Proofers…
So, I’ve pulled a major all-weekender and gotten bootyloads of work done on the updates to the new edition of the book (woo damn hoo), and that means it’s time to get to the proofing!…
Amy’s Blind Date
Woo hoo! Unlike MY episode of Blind Date, looks like I’ll actually get to SEE Amy Harber do her thang tomorrow at 11am on KTLA. Yup, I never did see my bonzai tree-trimming, dart-throwing episode…
Don’t Judge Me!
Is it wrong? Is it wrong that I open all of the semi-easily-opened pistachios and leave the too-tightly-encased ones for Keith? I mean, I am wrist-down dainty.