I was journaling about perfectionism, enoughness, and how over time — when we’re solution-focused people — we walk into every situation observing problems. Because we’re so focused on solutions.


So on its surface, it seems like a good thing. I SOLVE PROBLEMS. ✔️

But before we know it, we’ve invited a world of problems in because that’s how the Law of Attraction works. 💫

To get this whole situation back in balance, I’ve adopted the mantra: There is nothing to fix.

It helps me focus on the beauty all around me and within me FIRST.


Naturally, I’ll turn my attention to how I may improve upon a situation, but by *starting* first with gratitude, I have a way more peaceful and agendaless approach to the next step in my manifestation work. And the results are spectacular. 🕊

As we kick off this new week, I’ll ask you to ground yourself with gratitude first… then get to the grind. See how the aligned hustle feels for a change.


Do lemmeknow how that clicks for you, wouldja? 💗

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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