One of my colleagues was having a very-typical-of-these-days experience in which something that started out positive (researching online for a project she’s excited about) turned into a negative spiral of impostor syndrome and low enoughness….
Our Mac-Based Livestream Studio Setup
Okay, gather ’round y’all. I have some very very very faves and a lot of experience with being on camera… and I’m 50 now so I get gear that makes me look amazing so I…
Daily Planetary Tributes
Hello beautiful people! Ready for some more Chart Harmony, Astrology for Creatives-style? Yay! Today, we’re gonna take a look at how we can use the days of the week to offer tributes to the ruling…
Baseline Criteria
Hello beauties. Hope you’re hanging in there with all the cray going on. Keep breathing. Keep re-centering. Keep remembering that you are enough! Today, I’m going to share a bit about one of my most…
Heat Holiday: An Investment in Self-Care
Another Heat Holiday in the books. Got a lot of Creative Cave work done. Slept well. Stayed sober and Whole30 compliant and didn’t have too high a pain spike. 💖 I am so grateful we…
October 2020 Astro Overview
Hello Libra season! 🙂 This is a 4 year (hard work) and it’s a 5 month (play) and guess what Libra loves? Balance. So, this teeter-totter of values is right on time. If you’re dealing…
“If you can’t love yourself…”
With all apologies to Mama Ru, I’m pretty sure this quote ends wrong. RuPaul’s version: “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else? (Can I get an amen?)”…
Cleaning Up Before the Maid Comes
Let’s dig in on this “stop stopping” thing we ALL tend to do at one time or another. I call it cleaning up before the maid comes. I remember the first time I hired someone…
Wallow Time and Blessings without the Buts
Hello beautiful people of Expansive Capacity! It’s time once again for Superpower Sunday! 🙂 As always, this is all about how we can implement wee changes that may turbocharge our *existing* superpowers so that we…
What ENVY Really Means
Hello lovelies. 1. Scroll down for updates on my FREE training going on. 2. Hug yourself! Seriously. Give yourself some love RIGHT NOW. 3. Now, on to the BonBlast. 😉 One of the things that…