In my Jupiter-in-Gemini write-along, I was asked for advice on something I’m *really* great at doing: GETTING BACK AT IT. Specifically, the question was about how to get back at it when you’ve taken an…
Posts tagged content creation
Define LEADER (and 1000 True Fans)
What follows is an excerpt from the replay email for my Jupiter-in-Gemini write-along. I just keep having to look up some of this… so putting it at my blog helps with that. 😉 * *…
Your Showbiz Career Checklist
Yep. You read that right. Your Showbiz Career Checklist. I’m gonna lay it all out for you in this week’s livestream. Wednesday. The 13th. At 12pm PST (translate that to your timezone here). You can…
Creator, Not Consumer… on Clubhouse
So, since the last BonBlast, I got tapped to join Clubhouse. (Amen, I loved you already, but that late-night text Monday forever changed my life in some amazing ways that have taken my love for…
Our Mac-Based Livestream Studio Setup
Okay, gather ’round y’all. I have some very very very faves and a lot of experience with being on camera… and I’m 50 now so I get gear that makes me look amazing so I…
My 5×5 Content Planning Method
Hi. And whoa. (For my woo-woo friends, um, is Mars retrograde comin' in hot or what?!?) This is a super quick post because I have three livestreams coming up over the next two weeks (Spoiler…
How to Do a Social Media Detox without Leaving Social Media
Sometimes on social media I notice things that make it clear that *my* relationship with social media is not typical. I see posts about comparison. I see comments about how people should be kinder to…
Bonnie Gillespie on Episode 23 of The Ash Taba Show
Y’all. I do a lot of interviews. A. Lot. I’m ridiculously enchanted by this one… a deep, meandering, brainy convo with longtime SMFA ninja Ashley Tabatabai, an international client who has put is money where…
Don’t Invite Suits to the Writers Room
Hello you beautiful people! One of the major players in our month of free Self-Management for Actors training we called “SMF-mAy” was the concept of your true north. If you don’t know what I’m talking…