AKA How to connect with FIRE when you’re WATER dominant: ✨ G R A D U A L L Y 🔥 . Click for Instagram version. I lack Fire in my natal chart. My out-of-sect…
Using Otter to Transcribe Your Cherished Audio Files
Meanwhile, at Discord… Someone was lamenting having all these lovely recordings of readings with phenomenal astrologers and never wanting to play back the recordings because of their low enoughness in hearing their own voice. I…
Chart Harmony for June 2023
June 2023 Chart Harmony Calendar notes from Bon: Ah, June 2023 kicks off Retrograde Season. Yes, even though Mercury is direct (leaving their shadow by June 2nd), Retrograde Season is official when multiple planets are…
What Jupiter in Taurus Means for You
If you found yourself intrigued by my recent post about Jupiter joining Uranus in Taurus, you’re in luck! I’m gonna walk you through the Chart Harmony color work to do to be best equipped to…
Chart Harmony with the Balsamic Moon
Between the Last-Quarter Moon and the New Moon, we have the Balsamic Moon (also called the Waning Crescent). This phase is one of slowing down, becoming quiet, going within in preparation for the new cycle…
The Difference Between My Chart Harmony Calendar & Aligned Hustle Calendar
Over at our lovely Chart Harmony Discord server, I was asked to share the difference between the Chart Harmony Calendar and the Aligned Hustle Calendar, each available for annual subscription here. Here’s what I came…
Uranus & Jupiter in Taurus 2023
Uranus in Taurus (since 2018/2019) is creating all sorts of innovative expression in physical form. Taurus is manifestation. She is the 5 senses. “It is what it is” may be her favorite phrase. Uranus asks:…
Chart Harmony for May 2023
May 2023 Chart Harmony Calendar notes from Bon: All righty, y’all. I’m just gonna put it out there: May’s woo weather is a LOT. We’re in the thick of eclipse season. We’re on our way…
Finish this sentence:
FIRST: Thank you! Whoa, did I get a LOT of feedback on the last BonBlast. Y’all, truly. I treasure you. Thank you, thank you, and thank you some more. My heart hugs your heart. NEXT:…
Lessons from Profit Clarity
All righty! Another year of Profit Clarity is done. EVERYTHING is down from last year. Click to enbiggen. Overall, we’re $80K down… which is quite a big chunk of our revenue (more than a third,…