Wow. 7 years. I remember hoping I could make it to 7 hours sober. I was certain I’d fail before getting to 7 days. 7 weeks? Um… this was election 2016… no chance I’d stay…
Chart Harmony for November 2023
November 2023 Chart Harmony Calendar notes from Bon: Y’know what I’m loving about November 2023? It’s QUIET, astrologically speaking. Now, there’s always woo weather happening of course, but as I write this up during Libra…
Be the Lighthouse
Be the lighthouse, not the liferaft. This is something I’ve been saying forever. We often see people out there in need of help and we get out in the water with them, hoping they’ll stop…
Eclipse Self-Care
A member of the ever-inspiring Live Your Chart community asked me to break down what self-care looks like, as we head into these INTENSE eclipses. My answer was so comprehensive and helpful that I decided…
Chart Harmony with the Last-Quarter Moon
Between the Full Moon and the New Moon, we have the Last-Quarter Moon. Things are slowing down during this phase. We’ve seen everything under the Full Moon, releasing what is no longer needed… celebrating with…
Chart Harmony with the Disseminating Moon
Between the Full Moon and the Last-Quarter Moon, we have the Disseminating Moon Phase (also called the Waning Gibbous). This phase is one in which we continue to release anything “sticky” from that Full Moon…
My Favorite Spells for Protection
Recently, one of my lovely mistressminders was experiencing some unpleasantness around her home. It left her feeling unsafe there. And no one likes feeling unsafe in her own home! As happens in our exclusive mistressmind…
Stop Doing What Depletes You
Whether a lovely creative comes to me for showbiz advice, astrological perspective, or anything in between, the main commonality is what they’re looking for: Bon, what should I be doing? It can be “Bon, what…
Chart Harmony for October 2023
October 2023 Chart Harmony Calendar notes from Bon: Here comes eclipse season! We’re still navigating the shift from the Taurus/Scorpio axis to the Aries/Libra one with these eclipses… so be prepared to feel the intensity…
Daddy’s Little Girl
I have flashes of memory. Little vignettes. Still images that show up and tell me a story that doesn’t have a consistent thru-line. There’s falling asleep in your wheelbarrow in the backyard of the Old…