Daddy Saturn commanded: DO LESS. Took an $80K hit; had to cut waaaaay back. On everything. Back to pole and Pilates to reconnect with my ample bod. Used lots of Chart Harmony to love myself…
When July Comes the 11th…
The way the story goes, as a child I would gleefully say “When July comes the 11th, I will be X” (where X is whatever age it was I was turning that year). When July…
Choose to Be the Version of Yourself You Most Love Being NOW
Hey! It’s been a minute! I put across my whiteboard (one of several that I rewrite every few weeks as different projects advance through the creative pipeline over here in the Bonniverse) “EMAIL YOUR LIST!”…
Venus Retrograde in Leo
Wondering how to enjoy all this FIRE that is Venus in Leo? Ready to use the reflective energy of the Venus retrograde to upgrade your enoughness? Already feeling the SUMMER OF STRUT? Okay, y’all! LET’S…
Chart Harmony for July 2023
July 2023 Chart Harmony Calendar notes from Bon: Oof! By the end of July, we’ll have 7 planetary bodies showing off their retrograde illusions, the nodal axis will have shifted our eclipses for the next…
Chart Harmony with the Full Moon
Our Full Moon in Sagittarius is almost here! This is the biggest PARTY of a Full Moon we get all year long. So… let’s get into it! It’s time to rejoice! As you’ll recall from…
Today Our Puppy Turns 1
Today, sweet Mala Beads, you are 1. (Experience this post on Instagram.) Click to enbiggen. You were born under Gemini Sun and Cancer Moon — you are bright, curious, clever, playful, and you pick up…
Chart Harmony with the Gibbous Moon
Between the First-Quarter Moon and the Full Moon, we have the Gibbous Moon Phase (also called the Waxing Gibbous). Light is becoming brighter. Enoughness is becoming fuller. There’s an optimism to this lunar phase, but…
“You’re too sensitive!”
NOTE: The whole time I’m writing this, I’m hearing those folks who’ve been cruel to me saying, “Oh my GAWD, Bonnie! You’re TOO SENSITIVE,” and the hearing of that is my childhood/lifetime trauma trying to…
Tracking My Sobriety
In just under an hour, this will read 06-07-08-09-10-11 — but I’ll be hosting the Goddess Mistressmind at that moment, so this will have to do. I mark the moments I’m sober in so many…