This full moon in Aries uprooted some big emotions in me. Good. Seems I’d been holding onto a lot. Tamping it all down. Staying calm and carrying on. And today let me get ragey in…
Posts tagged balance
Are you a drama magnet?
A few years back, I introduced the Karpman Drama Triangle as “The Three V’s” — the TL;DR on that is this: Victim Villain Victor We’ve got this dynamic of relationships in which there’s a role…
How ’bout them apples?
Something I regularly clarify is the title of my most popular book: Self-Management for Actors. No, no, no, it’s not that everyone gets the title WRONG or something… it’s that the emphasis is on managing…
What Is Your Body Saying?
As always, when something comes up more than twice in my teaching-speaking-coaching life, it’s time to share it beyond the smaller audiences. So here goes. Our bodies are constantly talking to us. Yes, in the…
Heat Holiday: An Investment in Self-Care
Another Heat Holiday in the books. Got a lot of Creative Cave work done. Slept well. Stayed sober and Whole30 compliant and didn’t have too high a pain spike. 💖 I am so grateful we…
What ENVY Really Means
Hello lovelies. 1. Scroll down for updates on my FREE training going on. 2. Hug yourself! Seriously. Give yourself some love RIGHT NOW. 3. Now, on to the BonBlast. 😉 One of the things that…
Bonnie Gillespie on Episode 23 of The Ash Taba Show
Y’all. I do a lot of interviews. A. Lot. I’m ridiculously enchanted by this one… a deep, meandering, brainy convo with longtime SMFA ninja Ashley Tabatabai, an international client who has put is money where…
Character Study
Hello beautiful people. Have you hugged yourself today? This is a question I ask our members every time we chat because ever since 2020 went sideways, I’m finding we’re not getting nearly enough of the…
It’s Time to Get CURIOUS
I was interviewed for a podcast last week (my dear friend Steph Gaudreau’s Listen to Your Body podcast — the episode will premiere later this month) and the convo turned to one of my favorite…
Worry O’Clock
If you’re like any artist, creative, actor, singer, dancer, writer, storyteller on the planet, you FEEL acutely. You pick up on the emotions of the world and you turn those strong feelings into art. THAT…