The other day, when the hubs and I were walking around our little beach ‘hood here in Santa Monica, I said something that actually punched me in the gut as I said it. Like, I…
Posts tagged mindset
How to Get the MOST from Your Online Course
Something I had to come to grips with when we first started offering online courses more than a decade ago (yes, really; we were *so* early to the party!!) was that no matter how hard…
Energetic Hygiene Triangle
In addition to letting you know that I’ve ended my all-sugar diet (it was fun; I sleep better when I’m “running clean” though), I wanted to share a tool that I’ve been using for a…
3 Zones: Fear, Learning, Growth
The other day I saw this awesome graphic by Mary Kokinda out there online. It depicts the fear zone, the learning zone, and the growth zone. Specifically, it lays out behaviors and mindsets that live…
Everything We’re Feeling Is Correct
Okay. One of the things I’m most grateful for right now is the *intentional* curating of a friendgroup made of fellow ladybiz besties that I’ve done since choosing sobriety in 2016. Past me was very…
How to Ground Yourself When You’re Flipping Out
Hello beautiful people of Expansive Capacity! Hello beautiful people! It’s time once again for Superpower Sunday! 🙂 As always, this is all about how we can implement wee changes that may turbocharge our *existing* superpowers…
Practical Tips for Thriving Despite the Latest CRISIS
Yes, we're facing a crisis. If you didn't already know that, congrats on avoiding the news, social media, and convos with *anyone* out in the world today. Personally, I feel that when "times are tough"…
How Liz Gilbert Kicked My Creative Butt
Well hi there. I’m back from Fiji. 10 glorious days offline. No TV. No social media. Nothing more than the sound of laughter and acoustic music and nature on an island in the South Pacific….
Population of Thirds
A third of the population on the planet loves you. You can do no wrong. Even before they’ve met you, they’re your superfan. A third of the world’s population hates you. On principle. There’s nothing…
Woo-Woo Wednesday: The Alphabet Game
Hello beautiful people of Expansive Capacity! Happy Woo-Woo Wednesday, leadery ones! This month, we’re gonna play the alphabet game — one of my very favorite Abraham-Hicks mindset activities. You might not believe me if I…