Hello beautiful people of Expansive Capacity! It’s time once again for Superpower Sunday! 🙂 As always, this is all about how we can implement wee changes that may turbocharge our *existing* superpowers so that we…
Why Women Suck at Selling
Sorry for the clickbait headline, but it got you here, so let’s dive in on why it is that females* are evolutionarily wired to do a crappy job at marketing our gifts to the world….
No Longer Awareless
Now is the time where I share my flat-out shock (laced with a trace of honey-you-knew-it-was-gonna-go-like-this) that the tarot cards — no matter how we’ve come at them, how they’ve been dealt, whether approached numerologically…
Whether I’m working with actors, writers, or small business entrepreneurs, there’s something everyone seems to have in common. We don’t want to put ourselves OUT THERE until we get everything *just* right. And I say…
Where the Path May Lead
Have you ever had a relationship with an expiration date? I have and it’s glorious. Because there is no chance things can continue past that point looming out there in the near future, there’s room…
Buttons and Blocks
I can still see the rug. Probably 25 feet by 15. Whatever the proportions are in that range for a rug. So many colors and shapes and blocks of activities dyed into the low pile….
Zoom Coaching Is Getting Ridiculous
Just had a marvelous #SMFAninjas coaching sesh with Princess Sweet Snorts (FKA The Princess Pumpkin; FKA Dovahkiin Goblin Queen… and her person, Dayeanne Hutton, of course). 😍😘🥰 I love the time I share with spectacular…
Your Personality from the Chartwheel
Hello beautiful people of Expansive Capacity! Happy Woo-Woo Wednesday! We’re about to dig in on creating more Chart Harmony here. Ready? This month, in support of our topic, Your Relationship with Being Seen, we’re gonna…
Family Tree
“It’s always all or nothing with you, kid.” Jake refused to make eye contact with his favorite uncle, certain he’d lose his shit if he felt any more seen than he already did. Toby kept…
Everything Will Be Okay
In March of 2020, I found this “Everything Will Be Okay” printable out there on the internet, printed it (on the back of a page from a screenplay; we’re all about reusing the paper we…