It’s weird. I didn’t mean to ghost you. But the truth is, I’ve been exhausted. And leaning into that. Meaning, I’ve been sleeeeeeeeeeeping. A LOT. It’s growth. It’s recovery. It’s healing. It’s… just being with…
The Reward for Boundaries
I’ve been making changes in my business recently. I’ve created more boundaries, changed my availability, increased my NO budget. I hadn’t noticed how anxious and obsessed and dark I had gotten, continuing to do such…
Ready & Relaxed
Many of my convos with actors and other showbiz creatives lately have centered around production coming back, so much casting going on, all the momentum building… and feeling rusty as hell. Whether we’re doing 1:1…
The Sum of All Years: 50
Happy half-hundred! Followed Pisces guides White Rabbit style… through invisible corridors. Partnered with Libra loves to remember I needn’t abandon pragmatic balance while conjuring expansion. Yes, dear, you can have it all. Got purposeful. Intentional….
Bonnie Gillespie’s Recommended Books for Actors and All Creative Leaders
Y’all know I *love* to read. I’m super passionate about recommending books that have had a positive effect in my life or the lives of those I’m lucky enough to jam with every day. That…
How to Discover Your Actor Brand (without SURVEYS)
In one of my many Brandprov prompts (y’know, I ask you a question and your answer is an on-brand improvisational response), I ask, “What’s your on-brand zodiac sign?” Your answer doesn’t have to be WHAT’S…
Segment Intending (What’s your moment before?)
Recently — in the name of creating better energetic boundaries in my life — I invested in some goodies to have around my office and the other rooms in my home. flowers oils leaves to…
Gloop Spotting
I’m pretty excited about this. I’ve been in the creative cave for a while, building VERY cool things — you may have caught the announcement that Rachel Lang and I are teaching you all about…
Self-Care Is Another SHOULD
Hey. I’ve been checking in daily with a group of folks who agreed to join me in a June Enoughness Commitment (you can start getting these text messages here; or just text #enoughness to me…
You Make My Life Better
Well hello! It’s been a minute! I was thinking about connection. About our connection with one another. Human to human. Y’know… that stuff. I think I’ve got it all boiled down to one main thing…