Watching others experience Christmas differently in 2020 taught me how differently I’ve always done Christmas. Well… not always always. I did have those earliest years of a wishlist and a Santa fulfilling it if I…
Your Bad Dreams Are Doing You a Favor
Hello beautiful people of Expansive Capacity! It’s time once again for Superpower Sunday! 🙂 As always, this is all about how we can implement wee changes that may turbocharge our *existing* superpowers so that we…
The Numbers in Parentheses on a Casting Notice: What Do They MEAN?!?
During yesterday’s Get in Gear for the Next Tier live Q&A Zoom, one of the Qs was less about the usual deep-dive enoughness, brand awareness, relationship management, content creation, online presence, and money mindset of…
Your 2021 Themes Using Astrology and Numerology
I remember being a pre-teen and noticing that I always loved — like, irrationally loved — October. My birthday’s not in October. Yeah, Halloween is my favorite holiday but that wasn’t the reason… in fact,…
“I’ll know it when I see it” is a lie.
I love working with creatives. Showbiz storytellers, writers, creative entrepreneurs… this swirling energy of CREATION, of BUILDING is so prevalent in my world and it really jazzes me to plug in with folks who take…
Planetary Hours
Hello beautiful people! So excited for more Chart Harmony action with y’all! Today, we’re gonna examine which hours of the day may be best suited for your intense focus (or intense relaxation, should that be…
The Hummingbird’s Message
This time of year especially, when a hummingbird perches and stops the miraculously speedy flapping of its wings, it’s a more emotional hello from Charlsie, my sweet mother, who passed away December 28, 2000. ✨…
NEVER Email Agents on the Weekend (and Other Bullshit)
Ah, there’s nothing worse than a RULE shared far and wide with actors (or creatives of any kind) that serves no purpose other than to: ~ exacerbate the power disparity between buyers and artists ~…
December 2020 Astro Overview
Woo HOO, December 2020! The month astrologers have been talking about for YEARS. Yup… December 21st is what they’re calling The Great Conjunction. And it’s a game-changer for our setpoint as human beings. More on…
Your 3 Biggest Branding Mistakes
Um. Is anyone even talking about their brand anymore? I know. This year has been surreal. (OMG, Bonnie, did you *just* comment on this year without saying “unprecedented times”?!?) No matter how weird it gets,…