You may have noticed (or remember my mention) that I’ve ghosted my mailing list. Weekly emails since 2011 (weekly columns since 1999, if we wanna stretch way back), and then in the summer of 2021,…
Who Is Bonnie Gillespie?
Hi! Have we met? Click to see post at Instagram. I’m Bonnie Gillespie, Emmy-honored casting director, author of Self-Management for Actors (#CreatingTheHollywoodWeWant), and creator of Chart Harmony. Steve Silverman pulled this photo of me from…
Chart Harmony with Oils, Bath Salts, and Incense
This is Venus in Libra + Asclepius III (I *always* order more of this one; it’s my pain-killer) from Sphere + Sundry and a li’l Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab for good measure. 💕 TBH, I…
What Are You Making This Mean?
I’ve always given credit to Brené Brown for this question, but the internet is not helping me confirm that attribution. So, let’s just say it’s a very Brené-Brown-like question: “What are you making this mean?”…
My Pisces North Node Journey
I was thinking about how I don’t send emails anymore (I did a weekly BonBlast from July 2011 to May 2021), how I am fully in the Saturn rule of my annual profection (and will…
Whiteboards: Before and After
Click for Instagram version. These may not look that different, but they represent a significant shift in focus, which makes a big difference in how my work gets done, how I show up in the…
So Long, “Type A”
Here’s my lazy-ass #Top9 of 2021. Click to see on Instagram. Y’all like my words, my sobriety, and my occasional passalong meme. 🦋 That’s about right. ✔ Bye, 2021. I slept more this year than…
End the Artist-Sick-Cycle with Boundaries
Hello, gorgeous. I hope your life is feeling like a good place to be right now. Always, actually. But right now is the time I'm in front of you, so we'll call it now. 😉…
Proof of Possibility
Some folks don’t need much proof that something can be done in order to try it for themselves. Others need to see someone succeed… and that *someone* needs to be a lot like them in…
I mentioned last month that I ghosted my mailing list this summer. Became absent from my blog. Stayed off social. Just kind of pulled away from a whole lot. Slept. (AKA — I experienced the…