Hi. And whoa. (For my woo-woo friends, um, is Mars retrograde comin' in hot or what?!?) This is a super quick post because I have three livestreams coming up over the next two weeks (Spoiler…
Mars Retrograde: September 9th to November 13th, 2020
Hello beautiful people of Expansive Capacity! Happy Woo-Woo Wednesday, master manifestors! This month, we’re taking our exploration of Mars into its retrograde illusion. Yup, the planet that rules how we fight, how we fuck, how…
How Committed to These Emotions Are You?
I’m all about hacks and shortcuts and acronyms and mnemonics and anything else that gets this programming and processing space we call a brain working the way I want it to. See, the brain on…
Does Altruism Exist? TRANSCEND Homework
“When free of anxiety, fear, and guilt, most people tend to not only move in the direction of the realization of their unique potential but also of goodness.” — Loosely quoted from p. 264, Principle…
September 2020 Astro Overview
Hello Virgo season! 🙂 This is a 4 year (hard work) and it’s a 4 month (hard work) and guess what Virgo loves? Working hard according to a checklist that is perfectly optimized so that…
How to Do a Social Media Detox without Leaving Social Media
Sometimes on social media I notice things that make it clear that *my* relationship with social media is not typical. I see posts about comparison. I see comments about how people should be kinder to…
Are You Living the Live You Want to Live?
My phenomenal team and I were having a convo recently about a client who is using her life as an excuse not to show up to do the work of improving her life. Sound familiar?…
How I Stay “Best Me”
Hello beautiful people of Expansive Capacity! It’s time once again for Superpower Sunday! 🙂 As always, this is all about how we can implement wee changes that may turbocharge our *existing* superpowers so that we…
What Are You Highlighting?
In our Expansive Capacity mastermind, we’re diving deep on Your Relationship with Manifestation. Okay, before you roll your eyes at the woo of it all, let’s get some science going here: The brain is bombarded…
How to Deal with Haters
Today was interesting. I got up at 5:45am to attend a millionaire mastermind (this is a mastermind the epic Rachel Rodgers hosts monthly for her members who are knockin’ on a million but can’t seem…