a $69,142 month — then our worst in years Atlanta, San Diego, Phoenix, Fiji — then all travel halted starts… and… stops anti-racism (not just allyship) psychometrician JFDI Emmy astrology training the medial prefrontal cortex…
Venus in Our Charts
Hello beautiful people of Expansive Capacity! Happy Woo-Woo Wednesday, permissive ones! This month, we’re getting down with Venus… the planet that rules things like love, beauty, value — that’s value in the enoughness sense, the…
Why It’s Hard to Get Projects Going Sometimes
One of my favorite things about working with you beautiful creatives is my ability to get something that looks or feels impossible come into sharper focus. To clarify the next steps you need to take…
Getting Ready to Be Ready to Be Ready
Hello beautiful people! Today’s BonBlast is gonna be brief. (If you’re desperately craving more words from me, last week’s book-length post is here for you.) (Oh, and on that, THANK YOU for all the spectacular…
Creating the Hollywood We Want
Hello and welcome to all the new-to-the-Bonnie-Gillespie-experience folks (seems there’s something called “The Ava Effect” and our uptick in numbers (all over social) mirror the timing of getting regrammed by Ava DuVernay over in those…
I Know This Is True…
Hello beautiful people of Expansive Capacity! It’s time once again for Superpower Sunday! 🙂 As always, this is all about how we can implement wee changes that may turbocharge our *existing* superpowers so that we…
What Actors Need to Know about Diversity in Casting
Let’s talk about STOPPERS, y’all. In showbiz, there are always stoppers: convenient ways to hand you your NO when the gig is not yours. We’ve heard them forever. “You’re too old,” “You’re not SAG,” “We’re…
Bonnie Gillespie on Episode 23 of The Ash Taba Show
Y’all. I do a lot of interviews. A. Lot. I’m ridiculously enchanted by this one… a deep, meandering, brainy convo with longtime SMFA ninja Ashley Tabatabai, an international client who has put is money where…
Character Study
Hello beautiful people. Have you hugged yourself today? This is a question I ask our members every time we chat because ever since 2020 went sideways, I’m finding we’re not getting nearly enough of the…
Becoming Anti-Racist
GROWTH: Remember, it’s NORMAL to travel among these zones as we’re building the muscles for change. Click for Instagram. Click for PDF. Click for source. This infographic is from Drew Ibrahim (adapted from the one…